Cover Comparison Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by me to showcase international covers of a certain book, and share our opinions on each.

<-- Catalan Edition
I LOVE the color scheme on this..! The dusty rose is really gorgeous, probably more so in person. It's nearly identical to the light blue US version, which I also love.
VERDICT: OF COURSE! Of course I would pick up this book, don't be silly ;)
SCORE: 10/10

I really like this cover. The design is really similar to the US version, but a little eerier. My only worry is that because there is so much black, it would really blend in to a darker bookshelf.
VERDICT: I would definitely pick up this book. I love this cover.
SCORE: 9/10
ETA: ooh i just noticed the heart shaped leaves!! i'm a big fan of those :)

<-- German
(title means After the Summer)
I love the girl giving her heart to the wolf, as well as the German title, "After the Summer," but not much else. The parchment-y look and the font makes the book look older and more geared towards adults. It's not really a teen-oriented cover.
VERDICT: I don't think I would pick up this book based on the cover.
SCORE: 4/10

Brazil -->
Again, this cover looks more like an adult novel. I do like it more than the German edition though. The wolf stalking through the forest is a nice touch. The color scheme is sort of bland, not really sure it would stick out on a shelf.
VERDICT: It's debatable whether I would pick this up. Probably depends on my mood.
SCORE: 6/10
So, I definitely like the Catalan edition, as well as the US edition. They're both stunning, like the words and the story inside the cover.
Which is your favorite?
*If you choose to participate in this meme, leave the link to your post in the comments and I'll be sure to comment!
I've never read the book, but by judging by the cover, I love the Greek one. Sometimes dark colors jump out at me more than bright ones. It's really because the whole YA section is filled with bright books, so the one dark cover is really special ;)
I agree with your thoughts on the bottom two. They're not really my thing. I'm not really into the black and white one either. I'm not big on black covers, not sure why b/c they're everywhere atm - so obviously someones lobving them - like you :)
I like the Catalan one - and also the US one :)
here's my post on graceling :)
oh, and meeroar - read the book. You'll like it :)
I like all the editions, they've done very good job in each of them.But if I gad to chose,I'd chose the Catalan one.
I love the sharp contrasts of the Greek one. It's so interesting to see different covers of the same book.
Also, I have a blog award for you.
Greek is my favorite but I would pick up Catalan too.
Awesome meme
yay for thursday! love looking at the covers.
personally, i like the U.S. version the best.
I actually like the German and Brazilian covers more. They would make me stop and at least flip through the book, but I do agree that they look more adult than young adult.
I kinda like the German one, actually
I really like the US cover, but the German one stands out to me (as well as the title "After the Summer"). The Catalan one is so pretty with that dusky rose. I agree that the Brazilian one looks like an adult book, and it doesn't really match the tone of the story in my opinion.
Grr...sorry for posting twice (3 times now) it told me the first one never went through because of an error so I did it twice.
I probably would've got the Catalan version and the German one also, in my opinion.
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