While I have not read the books, they have been on my TBR list for quite some time. Of course, after setting a recording on the TV, I realize that I should have probably read the books a long time ago.
In any event, I'm super excited for this show to start, and hopefully it will motivate me to pick up the actual series to read!
It premiers Tuesday June 8th on ABC Family. That's next week! Can't wait...
Here's a blurb about the TV show:
Rosewood is a perfect little town. So quiet and pristine, you'd never guess it holds so many secrets. Some of the ugliest ones belong to the prettiest girls in town -- Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily, four estranged friends whose darkest secrets are about to unravel.One year ago, Alison, the Queen Bee of their group, disappeared and the girls swore they'd never tell what really happened that night. They thought their secrets would bond them together, but just the opposite is true. Then again, who's to say what the truth is in Rosewood. It seems everyone in town is lying about something.Now, as the mystery surrounding Alison's disappearance resurfaces, the girls begin getting messages from "A," saying – and threatening – things only Alison would know. But it couldn't be Alison. Could it? Whoever it is, they seem to know all the girls' secrets, and seem to be watching their every move. The girls are friends again, but will they be there for each other if their dark secrets come to light?
I haven't read the books, but my friend with taste like mine LOVES them, so I'll definitely be checking this show out! :)
I haven't read them, and I'm not sure the books would be my thing, but I have to admit, I was intrigued when the commercial came on while I was watching Harry Potter on ABC Family this weekend
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