Some schools have honor codes.
Others have handbooks.
Themis Academy has the Mockingbirds.
Themis Academy is a quiet boarding school with an exceptional student body that the administration trusts to always behave the honorable way--the Themis Way. So when Alex is date raped during her junior year, she has two options: stay silent and hope someone helps her, or enlist the Mockingbirds--a secret society of students dedicated to righting the wrongs of their fellow peers.
In this honest, page-turning account of a teen girl's struggle to stand up for herself, debut author Daisy Whitney reminds readers that if you love something or someone--especially yourself--you fight for it.
Others have handbooks.
Themis Academy has the Mockingbirds.
Themis Academy is a quiet boarding school with an exceptional student body that the administration trusts to always behave the honorable way--the Themis Way. So when Alex is date raped during her junior year, she has two options: stay silent and hope someone helps her, or enlist the Mockingbirds--a secret society of students dedicated to righting the wrongs of their fellow peers.
In this honest, page-turning account of a teen girl's struggle to stand up for herself, debut author Daisy Whitney reminds readers that if you love something or someone--especially yourself--you fight for it.
Um I will kneel on a port-o-potty floor and beg/worship/kiss toes/serve wine a grapes to a fat hairy caveman to get this book. And port-o-potties and kissing hairy things makes me want to puuuke.
But I mean really: A secret society? At a boarding school? Based a bit off To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee?
I'm in love.
Oh yes, this book sounds AWESOME! Want to team up and try to get it together...I'll kneel on a bar's bathroom floor! The nastiness of the two of us doing that should bring great book karma!
Rachele: YES fo sho! Two desperate YA book lovers doing revolting things should DEFINITELY increase our chances of getting this book! :)
Oh, yeah. This book is on my wishlist too. First, it just sounds awesome (for all the reasons you love it for) and second, Courtney Summers raves about it - which has me sitting up and paying attention.
Cant wait!
I didn't read To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, but you're right, secret societies and a boarding school are usually cool ;)
Hee, hee! Seriously...I want this book! :) The same with DELIRIUM by Lauren Oliver...I want so bad!
Nomes: Ooh now that you said Courtney Summer loves it, I want it even more!
Gaby: To Kill A Mockingbird was the only book that I had to read in school that I like =P
Rachele: Woweeeee. I think you might be book twin. I was gonna make Delirium my Waiting On Wednesday book, but I couldn't find the cover. But still. Wowzers we want the exact same books haha.
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