Dear Kody Keplinger,
The Duff is unlike any other YA book I've ever read.
The snark,
The spunk,
The attitude,
The romance,
The whole package,
Was perfect.
You created a character that other YA authors should be required to study, because you nailed Bianca. You nailed the teenage voice. You nailed this book.
You carved Bianca with a dagger in your right fist, and a heart in the other. She was brutal and tough as nails, but fragile and confused.
You wrote like you had nothing and everything to lose.
You wrote with raw humor. You wrote with raw emotion. You wrote with misunderstanding, and confusion, and infused your work of art with the life and the passion of an adolescent.
Forever a fan,
Dear Kody Keplinger,
You are brave.
You tackled issues that adults are to afraid to. Issues that adults are afraid to admit exist in teenage lives.
They will disagree with you.
They will oppose you.
Some will probably not like you.
But then there will be the others.
Like me.
Who will love you.
And your work.
Because you were honest. And that is a quality only true writers possess.
But you probably know this already.
Because you're Kody Freakin Keplinger.
And you are AWESOME.
Keep writing. I'll keep reading. And I'm sure millions of others will as well.
Forever a fan,
1. Characters 21/20
2. Writing 20/20
3. Plot 20/20
4. Accurate YA voice 21/20
5. Cover 9/10
6. Title 10/10
2. Writing 20/20
3. Plot 20/20
4. Accurate YA voice 21/20
5. Cover 9/10
6. Title 10/10
Overall score: 101 or A++
This review is also freaking awesome.
Wow! Love the review, you really make me want to this this now! Especially if the voice really is so realistic and accurate :)
Great review/open letter. Very heartfelt. I'm obviously dying to get my hands on a copy of THE DUFF :D
lovelovelove this review. you are on fire and the duff sounds even ever-so-cooler than I already imagined.
I love, love, love this post. You're a freaking awesome reviewer!
Fabulous review! I love THE DUFF! Kody freaking Keplinger is brilliant!
I'm ecstatic about the review for Kody, but I have to say--you write reviews really well!
Thank you!
You have made me want to read this book ever more!!
I want to kiss this review. Just sayin'...
Awesome review!
Oh my gosh I'm so jealous you got to read it!!! I'm so excited to get my hands on this book, it sounds so good!!! Thanks for the awesomest review ever!!
Your review is freaking awesome, haha.
You really did write an amazing review. It showed your feelings really really well. Nice! I'm even more excited for this one!!
brilliant review!
This is an incredible review! Now I really want to read this book to see what all your fuss is about :)
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i love the comments and appreciate each and every one. i try and return them on your blogs ;)