Which do you prefer?
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I prefer the U.S cover. I think it is more mysterious than the U.K one.
Seconded. The UK cover makes it look like a quirky comedy.
That's crazy! I agree with Kate...the second one doesn't look dark or scary and that book is dark and scary!
I prefer the U.S. cover. That maybe because I've always had a bit of a disliking for covers with faces on them.
Both of them are eye-catching. But I agree with the other commenters - the US one more matches the content if the book: the kinda dark side of it all.
(But I'd definitely pick the UK one off the shelf and check it out). Weirdly, we have the US version over here (in Australia). Usually we get the same as the Uk...
UK. most definitely.
Much prefer the US one, the UK cover looks like a middle-grade book rather than YA.
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